A HalfDozen Horrors eBook C L Hernandez

A HalfDozen Horrors eBook C L Hernandez
I was never one to read much horror or dark fiction until a friend loaned me a copy of Ms Hernandez's last book of short stories, Cobwebs. I was instantly a new fan. Yes, the stories contained in this book and her other will make the hair stand up on the back of your neck but, they will also give you a grin and a chuckle. The stories remind me of the ones told around the campfire when I was a child except these are the adult version.Her style of writing draws the reader into the story immediately. None of that having to read 3 or 4 chapters before it hooks you. Ms Hernandez can make you start getting that tingling feeling with just a few sentences. If you like a page turner then you have come home.
I can't wait to see what her vivid imagination comes up with next. I also hope that she will consider a novel in the future.
A Half Dozen Horrors and Cobwebs are worth much more than the low price of .99 cents.
Well done, Ms Hernandez, well done!

Tags : Amazon.com: A Half-Dozen Horrors eBook: C. L. Hernandez: Kindle Store,ebook,C. L. Hernandez,A Half-Dozen Horrors,C. L. Hernandez,FICTION Horror,FICTION Thrillers Supernatural
A HalfDozen Horrors eBook C L Hernandez Reviews
A collection like no other. An excellent collaboration of bizarre horror stories that will have you gasping, cringing, scared, and left feeling violated. Cindy takes you through a series of tales sure to entertain and frighten the innards out of you.
First off we start with 'What happened at the Langford'. A young boy and his mother are forced to move into a strange building. Instantly the youngster is disturbed by the gargoyle statues on the building's window ledges. Although his mother proclaims they are for good luck, he senses her instincts are incorrect. This is fast paced, well executed, and captivates the reader. Cindy has a gift for vividly expressing a thing, or location, not with an over abundance of words, but with her skilful use of a select few of them. This story is a prime example.
Next we head off to 'Say goodbye to Marty'. Now this one I did not see coming. The build up forces us to assume that there has been foul play as a girl says goodbye to Marty. Pictures are painted, impressions are asserted, but Cindy completely blind-sides the reader with a totally bizarre but undeniably enthralling ending. You will be part gasping, part laughing, and part unnerved at the insanity of this voyage.
Think things couldn't get any weirder? Think again, as we go to find out about 'The Lasius God'. A young child soon learns it isn't nice to torment bugs for his own amusement. Now this is a creepy one as the boy likes to antagonise a bunch of ants, when he gets a strange encounter from someone who warns him to leave the critters alone. But does he listen? Why not read and find out. All that can be said is after reading this you'll be itching all over, and think twice before stepping on a bug or swatting a fly.
Following this we have 'Athene Noctua'. A rustic story, where a man is caught in a rainstorm, at its mercy. He figures it is the perfect time to introduce himself to a neighbour in the woods, one who is a new habitant of the area. But right from the door creaking open and making her acquaintance, he starts to regret asking for her hospitality. He has unknowingly entered the cabin of his biggest enemy, and this lady plans on getting vengeance for his brutish behaviour.
The next, and my personal favourite, 'Webs' is the creepiest of them all. A man living in solitude, apart from his cat Zombie. But his abode is less than desirable, a run down old lodge covered in dust, grime, and you guessed it, cobwebs. But spiders don't bother him, and never have. Plus his trusty sidekick helps keep the arachnids at bay by eating them. But when his feline bites off more than he can chew, he worries about his furry friend. This is eerie, alarming, but endlessly enjoyable. A true chunk of strange, with a shocking conclusion.
Then we have the last one of the collection as we are bringing this review to an end. She hits us hard with the last, final 'Bleu'. A man whose father passes away, leaving him to care for their cheese-making business. Everyone in town loved his father's various cheeses, but will Phillippe be able to live up to his father's name? He tries everything. A special routine, and some questionable methods to make his cheese the best in town, but still business is declining. Desperate, and unsure what to try next he is stuck. Which is when a very timely appearance is made by an individual who helps regain custom. The trick seems to work, only too well. This is a frightfully delicious tale. Cringe-worthy, but addictive, just like the cheese. This story acts as evidence that Cindy can not only describe and project feelings through a few carefully selected words, but she can also imply a time period.
Words seem to fail when it comes to expressing the random, but shocking nature of this collection. In this assortment of tales, imagination has no limits when it comes to grossing us out, alarming us, bewitching us, but overall, gratifying us, and appealing to our inner horror-nerd.
A sickly superb collaboration of short horrors that will cling to the shadows of your mind and get caught in your teeth as you try to digest what you have just read. This writer knows no bounds, and I am already hungering to know what she will come up with next.
Grab your copy from while it's cheap!
Didn't like at all!
Great stories and I enjoyed them so much. Bravo to the Twitter!
Every story has tucked within it dread, spookiness, and the final one grossed out an undertaker's daughter with a strong stomach--me! Well done, C. L. Hernandez! When I come looking for chills Hernandez is right on my favorite authors shelf with King, Barker, Saul, Harris, Lovecraft, Brite, Rice, Stoker, Hill, Deane, and Lynch! To the author More! Please!
Great writing and stories. Held my interest from start to finish. As I read, I'd try to finish how it would end and I couldn't. The way the author put her characters together and held the stories together in way that made me wanting more.
Another magical horror collection from the spell-weaving Ms. Hernandez. I grew up reading vintage Arkham House story collections, and her stories are certainly as macabre and well-crafted as the tales I grew up reading. Her stories are certainly as good as any of the classic tales of the macabre written by August Derleth, the founder of Arkham House. In fact, some of her stories transcend Derleth in that they are weirder and saucier I ask you, would Derleth have ever written a story like this collection's end story, BLEU, which regards an eldritch cheesemaker and the wild secret of his mold-infused specialty?! -) It's ONLY 99 CENTS -- for so much wicked wonder! You can't go wrong by buying it.
I was never one to read much horror or dark fiction until a friend loaned me a copy of Ms Hernandez's last book of short stories, Cobwebs. I was instantly a new fan. Yes, the stories contained in this book and her other will make the hair stand up on the back of your neck but, they will also give you a grin and a chuckle. The stories remind me of the ones told around the campfire when I was a child except these are the adult version.
Her style of writing draws the reader into the story immediately. None of that having to read 3 or 4 chapters before it hooks you. Ms Hernandez can make you start getting that tingling feeling with just a few sentences. If you like a page turner then you have come home.
I can't wait to see what her vivid imagination comes up with next. I also hope that she will consider a novel in the future.
A Half Dozen Horrors and Cobwebs are worth much more than the low price of .99 cents.
Well done, Ms Hernandez, well done!

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